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August 19th 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Mon, 08/19/24

Updated: Wed, 08/21/24

August 19th, 2024 Dear Fellow Star Gazers Happy Super Full Moon! (Super as the Moon is so close to Earth). This Full Moon coincides with several…

July 21st 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Sun, 07/21/24

Updated: Sun, 07/21/24

July 21st, 2024 Dear Fellow Star-Gazers, Happy Full Moon. It’s been quite a month on the world stage and in my office! Once again, thanks to those who…

June 21st 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Fri, 06/21/24

Updated: Fri, 06/21/24

June 21st, 2024 Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,Happy Strawberry Full Moon and Happy belated Solstice! The latter was particuarly special in that the Moon is…

Astro-Crypto Event June 19th 2024

Published: Sun, 06/09/24

Updated: Sun, 06/09/24

ASTRO-CRYPTO EVENTPlanetary Cycles in the Financial UniverseSaturday June 29th 2024 15.00 GMT Hello, You may remember that when my husband’s condition…

May 23rd 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Thu, 05/23/24

Updated: Thu, 05/23/24

May 23rd, 2024 Dear Fellow Star-Gazers, Happy Full Moon! Slightly ahead of today’s Full Moon, but as the Moon closed in on opposition to Uranus, Rishi…

April 23rd 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Tue, 04/23/24

April 23rd, 2024 Dear Fellow Star-Gazers, Happy Full Moon! Whilst grief is an unwelcome companion, work – and specifically preparation of the…

March 25th 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Mon, 03/25/24

March 25th, 2024 Dear Fellow Star-gazers Happy Full Moon – and happy Lunar Eclipse! And heads up to a special event ne t weekend where I am giving a…

Feb 24th 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Sat, 02/24/24

February 24th, 2024 Dear Fellow Stargazers,Happy Full Moon! This missive is coming to you from near Jupiter, Florida – and yes, there really is such a…

Jan 25th 2024 Full Moon letter

Published: Thu, 01/25/24

Janury 25th, 2024 Dear Fellow Stargazers,Happy First Full Moon of 2024: the Wolf Moon and happy Re-evolution Yesterday, for the first time since 1778,…

Dec 27th, 2023 Full Moon letter

Published: Wed, 12/27/23

Dec 27th, 2023 Dear Fellow Stargazers,Happy Full, Cold Moon! By the ne t Full Moon, Pluto will have made full and final move into Aquarius with the…

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