Jupiter – the planet of partying - appears close to this Full Moon and in keeping with this theme, many people are rejoicing at the fall of the Assad regime in Syria – a regime that fell as Mars turned retrograde.
You may recall that I noted that December 6th/7th (the Mars station) was the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbour. There were links to the ‘chart of modern-day mankind’ and the Moon’s approach to 0 declination and latitude. From this I deduced that there would be an event that would shake the world: heralding the change in world order that will surely come when Saturn and Neptune meet at the World
Axis in February 2026.
We are, of course, anticipating major developments with a new American administration in January. Yet this is not the only country where the leadership is either changing or is challenged. Developments in South Korea herald further developments in 2025. I wonder how many present leaders will still be in position in February 2026?
A brief look at the charts of Russia, Iran, Syria and Israel show all of them (with respective birth dates’ in 1991, 1979, 1970 and 1947) to have planets within 4 degrees (acceptable orb) of 24 Scorpio. As viewed from earth, Uranus (the disruptor) is 180 degrees away at 24 Taurus.
Whilst regime change seemed to have happened within hours, there is little doubt that it was planned and prepared for –
presumably from when Uranus transited this degree some months ago. Planetary geometry is complex and many factors are at play: including the solar eclipse back in April.
The big question is what happens next? With a solar eclipse in September 2025 at the Pluto degree of Syria’s chart, it may be some months before we even begin to know who is in power.
In keeping with earlier Mars retrogrades, many indices turned downward following Mars’ station. (It is not unusual for the Hang Seng Index to buck this trend). The US markets certainly did as expected.
This weekend, Mercury stations to turn direct; signalling a possible upturn. Traders will look to a Santa Claus rally and could
experience short term rises into Friday 20th.
This Sunday’s (Dec 15th) Monthly financial class is devoted to the outlook for 2025 and considers dates when corrections might occur. There is much to suggest that there will be more than one:
The March solar eclipse is heralded by both Mercury and Venus stationing to turn retrograde at the eclipse degree. This, together with a lunar eclipse mid-March suggests freakish financial weather.
That might also be literal. Terrestrial weather promises considerable turbulence in 2025 with many areas experiencing increased rainfall and floods which will surely have marked effect on the insurance industry.
In 2025 Jupiter crosses from Gemini into Cancer where it accents the desire to protect and nurture. Not only does this add to the need for many to increase their insurance, it also points to greater interest in home building and to renovation. The value of those skilled in both designing and building should increase.
Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune reach critical phases in their respective cycles
in the summer. Then there is a significant solar eclipse in September. In short, the second half of the year could see a downturn with indices concluding the year significantly lower than at the start.
(If you can’t make the event, the recording, transcript and pdf will be available for sale from Monday).
Donald Trump will take the oath of office on January 20th. It is usually some minutes after noon before the newly elected President makes his speech and announces his plans to the world. Uranus will not be far from the horizon so yes, there will be mention of cryptos, new technology and perhaps a desire to reach for the stars. Expect too to hear of his plans to disrupt existing systems. In fact, the theme of this speech could easily be discontinuity.
Of course this will no doubt benefit the emerging crypto system. That progress could stall by the February Full Moon. I plan to devote the January Monthly event to cryptos, decentralised finance and the property cycle. If you haven’t reserved a place, please do so by emailing juliecityscopes@gmail.com
I did not set out to confuse but to be clear: the monthly classes are NOT the same as the six-module Financial Astrology Course. You can enrol at a discount for a series of 6 monthly classes for 220GBP (a single class is 40 GBP).
The Module course is very different and is priced at $1200. If you have expressed interest in this but have not been
contacted, please accept my apologies. The good news is that I now have a wonderful assistant, Julie, who will be looking after this and the monthly events.
With Mercury turning direct we will be busy this week renewing contacts and preparing for the many events planned for 2025.
Of these, I would like to highlight the Convergence conference
where I will show my trading research in a 3 hour workshop.(link below)
Today would have been Michael’s 85th birthday. He must be so happy to know that his grand children have all excelled in music events in these last few weeks. He will also be delighted to know that my monthly classes are continuing and that the Module Financial course has been well received by the first few students. I suspect he would think this a perfect birthday present as he was so determined that I should make this course happen.
For now, hoping that each and every one of you can follow your dreams in 2025.