Dear Fellow Star Gazers
Happy Super Full Moon! (Super as the Moon is so close to Earth).
This Full Moon coincides with several cycles coming to turning points and suggests a period of super-eventfulness.
In recent days it has been obvious that pressure on the Earth’s crust is considerable - and may be linked to curious solar system geometry. Whatever the reason, from Mt Etna’s eruption to the earthquakes in Japan, Russia and San Francisco, there is deepening concern that a mega quake could occur.
Weather patterns too give cause for concern. It would be in keeping with lunar rhythms for 2024 to prove a year of
excessive and devastating hurricanes, typhoons and tsunamis.
Of course I may be wrong, but I think that this week could see market activity that is to the downside - possibly prompted by events beyond human control. The potential for this is much increased as the Moon moves into Pisces late Monday (UT) with Tuesday likely to see marked
Friday August 23rd could see major moves too as Venus moves to 90 degrees from Mars. When this cycle began in February, the S&P and Nvidia especially enjoyed gains. This first square should see that tide turn.
Whilst I do not expect a linear down move, I have concern too about the New Moon on Sept 3rd and then, following a short rise into Sept 8th, a further downturn.
And then we have the Lunar Eclipse on Sept 18th to look forward to (or not)………..we live in interesting times.
Until the new website is fully functional (at Mercury’s direct station
on 28th!), if you want to join our monthly class/observations, email me at
The UK has witnessed the madness of mob mentality, whilst on a larger scale, developments in Bangladesh, Eastern Europe and the Middle East especially give cause for
Just as there is pressure on the Earth’s crust, so too there is pressure on humankind – which might go some way to explaining this extreme behaviour.
Meanwhile, as Mercury turned retrograde, so too did the fortunes of the Ukrainian defenders whose incursions into Russia suggest a turning point in that war.
I want to think differently but fear that this move may lead to devastating reaction. With dwarf planet Haumea at right angle to Pluto (and for some time yet), if history repeats (as it tends to), then this is far from over. A review of the chart for the moment when the invasion of Ukraine began suggests a seven year war – which takes us to 2029.
All this has, and is, taking place during a period of increased solar activity (now fewer than 380 sunspots one day last week).
This is not to excuse the behaviour but rather to suggest that cosmic forces are having extra-ordinary effect.
On October 2nd, a solar eclipse in Libra at 10 Libra exactly conjoins asteroid Astrea. This adds emphasis to focus on diplomacy and compromise.
There is a little doubt that with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Gemini, Vladimir Putin is tricky to deal with – but perhaps not impossible.
Most people would surely
agree that serious diplomatic efforts are needed to avoid increased confrontation in many areas of the world.
The United Nations forum is intended as a force for good. Yet the pressures on its chart are considerable and a strong possibility is that the October eclipse will bring calls for a rethink, reorganization, reformat and rebuild.
The coincidence of turning points in these prices and planets crossing certain planetary degrees seems significant. Recent crossings by the two ‘inner’ planets, Mercury and Venus confirms the probability of turning point. Mars will cross one of these degrees in late September which could mark a minor peak before the price falls.
Silver, along with Bitcoin will be studied in the September monthly event.
Within the space of just 12 days, Michael’s older sister and brother – one in Cyprus and the other in Australia,
joined him on ‘the other side’. Both had enjoyed nine decades of love and laughter. Pat, in Cyprus, stayed long enough to welcome her first great-grand-daughter into the world and the cycle of life rolled on…….
Whilst I processed these events, I joined my daughter and family for a holiday in rural France where the skies were clear. With the aid of a sky map app, my youngest grandson marvelled at the constellations and
nightly movement of the planets. Later he asked me what I thought was the ‘worst’ planet combination and told me that he thought it was Mars and Saturn! The following morning, he showed me a crude drawing of his chart. He will be 9 at the October eclipse. Again, the torch may be passing on………
My workshop at the AA conference
next week, focuses on well-being using Moon, Mercury, Vesta and Hygeia positions and is followed by a Mundane Astrology talk on Worlds in Chaos.
In October I am returning to Toronto for my fist visit since 2018!! and sharing a platform with two fine astrologers and friends, Priscilla Costello and Janet Markham (link below)
If you
expressed interest in the financial course, you haven’t been forgotten! Launch is imminent and emails are poised to be sent.
For now, wishing you safe and healthy
Yours from the stars
Aug 28th – Sept 1st: AA Conference
Sept15th: Monthly Class:
October 5th and 6th: Mayo Conference:
October 12th: Monthly Class:
October 18th and 19th: Toronto:
October 26th: Astrological Society Kentucky