Dear Fellow Stargazers,
Full Moon
And welcome Saturn into Pisces!
With exquisite cosmic timing an international deal was struck to
preserve the oceans – Saturn in the last degrees of Aquarius has seen the global community working at its best.
That positive news aside, many of you will know that I have anxiety that stock markets across the world – but especially in the USA – will react negatively this week. (There is another critical
date in April). For investors, these next few weeks should prove nerve-wracking as the world adjust to the vibrations of not just one, but two slow-moving planets, Saturn AND Pluto changing signs. (Though agreed, this also brings buying opportunity and opens up new and exciting sectors for investors).
not unusual for the early days of March to witness slump in equity prices. That this Full Moon aligns with Mars in the chart for the New York Stock Exchange increases the likelihood of volatility with more movement to the down than the upside. Note too that far East markets (Hang Seng is a good example) tend to turn down as Saturn moves through Mutable signs.
At a personal level, Pisces people aren’t likely to be too welcoming with Saturn’s (aka the cosmic head-teacher) arrival in their sign. Saturn demands that ‘homework be handed in on time’. Yet Pisces are not the only sign to experience responsibilities weighing heavily. Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius – the other Mutable signs) will surely tune in to this energy. (Boris Johnson and
Donald Trump are two Geminis already being called to account by the cosmic headteacher.)
You may know that I signaled this period as potentially negative for
cryptos. As we approach the first anniversary of President Biden signing Executive Order 14067, I expected constraints to be applied. Already Bitcoin and Ethereum have seen a downturn. In the coming weeks I anticipate a buying opportunity.
It has long been acknowledged that in times of crisis, investors turn to what they believe to be the safe havens of gold, silver and precious metals. These prices may soar in late June/early July. These rhythms are explored in the monthly classes (see below).
There is no-one alive who has lived through Pluto’s transit of this sign. Although Pluto does not make full ingress (heliocentrically in January 2024 and geocentrically in November of that year), it is clear that social, economic and political upheaval will mark the next two
decades - just as they did when Pluto last visited this area of the zodiac in the late 18th century. There is every reason for us to embrace the opportunities that waves of new thinking will bring. An early hint appeared in news stories this last week. By using muon technology, it has been possible to look inside the Great Pyramid and see a yet to be explored area. A tunnel pointing to the stars perhaps?
Pluto makes that first Aquarius ingress on March 23rd – just a few days after the Aries New Moon and March solstice. Of the many headlines I expect to read will surely focus on speed, new fuels and yes, developments in
the race to reach stars. Exciting as these developments promise to be (opening up new areas for investment), we cannot overlook the possibility of ‘star wars’ and the malign destruction of satellites that give rise to increased terrestrial warfare.
With Jupiter and Pluto moving to square formation and dwarf planet Haumea completing an awesome planetary picture in May that also involves Mars, we
should at least consider escalation in hostilities both in Europe and in the Taiwan Straits.
What can you do when you feel helpless in the face of forces apparently beyond your control? I am in awe of the many people working to assist those caught up in war zones and rescuing people and animals from the devastating earthquakes in the Middle East.
With that in mind, I am
asking you for a favour: my colleagues in Istanbul are going ahead with their planned conference (in English and Turkish) at the end of March: They are doing so with a degree of reluctance as none of us can be confident that there won’t be another quake given present planetary pressure on the Earth’s crust.
Those of us who had agreed to speak at the event will do so – either in person if possible, or via Zoom. This is now a hybrid event. Please do register. The speakers and organisers will be donating to the disaster relief and your enrolment will give much needed support. Please use this link:
My Pisces company has tuned into Saturn's energy: demanding an overhaul of the website and that the CEO (that’s me!), put in more
I had wondered if the monthly astro-finance classes would not meet Saturn’s ‘quality control’ but, pleasingly, far from it: feedback is encouraging and already there are bookings for the next event on April 2nd. You can register at: (The recording and pdf are sent to all registrants).
This next class will focus on new areas for investment
and the impact of decentralised currencies. There is much for us to discuss: including time (Saturn) and Price (Pluto) case studies. (see below for more details of content).
My trip to Istanbul will be my first trip out of London and looking after Michael in 4
years. Our brilliant team of carers are confident that they will cope, and he is adamant that I should go. So interesting that Jupiter opposes my Neptune over those few days. A traditional textbook would suggest a long journey, whilst a modern one might suggest profound disappointment.
As always, we
shall see.
For now,
Wishing you all safe and well,
Yours from the stars
Proposed content:
Review of recent market activity,
Influence of space weather
Short term forecast (April 2 – June 2)
Cryptos: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana
Time and Price:company example