ASTRO-CRYPTO Planetary Cycles in the Financial Universe
Mars turned retrograde on October 31st: the anniversary of the White paper that heralded Bitcoin's arrival in January 2009. Just a week later, the XBTUSD price fell from just over $21K to a low of $15480. This low coincided
with the Mercury-Venus geocentric conjunction at 5 Sagittarius. Analysis reveals XBT sensitivity to this cycle. The two formed another conjunction on December 29th with the price then rising.
Even so, with both Mercury and Mars retrograde, initially it seemed, that XBT - among many other cryptos would be stuck in 'neutral gear'. The price could perhaps not go far until Mars stationed on January 12th. This has proved an important date and yes, XBT has responded to Mars
direct energy and the price has risen.
Using a chart for January 3rd, 2009, (Bitcoin's 'birthdate') we can construct a solar return or birthday chart to give a snapshot for the year ahead.
Two major aspects were at work on January 3rd, 2023: the first a parallel between the Sun and Pluto signalling power, and the second between Venus and Jupiter indicating growth and celebration. We might also consider the Sun's trine to Uranus (still moving through banking
sign Taurus) and Mercury's quintile to Jupiter.
Not one of these aspects suggests anything other than positive activity in the year ahead.....and yet.......
Throughout 2022, the emphasis was on the square between Saturn and Uranus and the probability of regulations and restrictions being discussed - if not applied. The probability of a 'crypto' storm developing was heightened at the Full Moon (also a lunar eclipse) in November. This coincided with the
collapse of Bankman-Fried's FTx venture. Reverberations may be heard and felt in August 2023 when crypto prices in general could fall in response.
This astrocrypto-letter focuses on the period between today's Last Quarter Moon (Jan 17th, and the next on February 13th). However, it is important to make mention of the ingresses of both Saturn and Pluto in March. These indicate shifts in the development of banking and will draw attention to decentralisation. With many companies
already accepting cryptos in return for goods and services, the demise of these new trading systems is unlikely.
My attention is drawn to January 23rd - two days after the New Moon. Uranus then arrives at its station. By then, Mercury and Mars will both be in direct motion. In fact, once Uranus stations, then all the traditional planets will be direct. Obviously this will affect every area of life but, where cryptos are concerned, a strong
upward push seems likely. XBT should benefit
As we have seen, it is not unusual for the price of Bitcoin (the common example for cryptos) to rise at a New Moon (Jan 21st). To reach Aquarius the Moon must travel through Capricorn (favouring Bitcoin) so we should see upward price movement from Jan 19th
and acceleration after January 23rd.
As mentioned last month, Saturn concludes its transit of XBT's nodal position (a depressing influence) on January 14th. Though there might be lingering effect for a few days, increase in value is probable soon after.
The process of astro-decoding XBTs price continues, and exact highs or lows has yet to
reach the point where the forecast is at least 80% reliable. That said, a review of possible highs between this Last Quarter Moon and the next draws attention to Jan 25th, 30th and February 8th for likely highs and Monday February 6th and Friday February 10th for lows.
What is clear is that XBT has been sensitive to Gann Mercury lines. This being the case, a break out and push to $21K seems
ETHUSD reached a low on November 21st. again, as with XBT, coinciding with the Mercury-Venus cycle that began at 5 Sagittarius (incidentally a 'degree' associated with flight' so perhaps unsurprising that the price 'took off' after this alignment).
In my last issue I suggested that 'the indicators indicated strong price movement on December 28th/29th 2022'. The astrology did not disappoint and ETHUSD has since made gain from that date. (I also suggested an intraday low of of $1081 for Dec 28th/29th (The actual low of the day was $1180. Clearly I have much to
The next high seems likely to occur just ahead of the February New Moon. A key date is Friday Feb 17th when the price should move higher. (This forecast will be refined after Uranus joins the other planets in direct motion at the end of January.)
Long-term, ETH has a more promising chart than BTC. However, just as BTC endured loss as Saturn made contact with its Neptune position, so we should expect the same for ETH. It is doubtful that
ETH can experience major price increase until 2024. First the threat, and finally the introduction of regulations will surely affect all cryptos. The picture after Uranus moves to Gemini in 2025 is very, very different. As that planet moves to 120 degree with Pluto, the price should surge.
FTX was launched on May 8, 2019 when the Sun was at the midpoint of Neptune and the North Node: the
implications being that it would attract great volume (which it did) but that there would be vulnerability to deception. As Uranus moved to the solar position at the lunar eclipse in November, FTX collapsed. The story though is far from over. So far $5bn has been recovered with more expected. The 'real' story may be told in 2024 when Jupiter reaches 17 Taurus (the Solar position). I would expect far more to be recovered when Jupiter reaches this position. I intend to offer a detailed
astro-appraisal of events as from this we could learn about future operations.
This initiative, announced on March 22, 2022 brought together banking institutions in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa. The plan was to make cross border trading both faster and easier. There are other similar projects but this one -
announced so close to the Equinox last year, should have considerable impact. It might even prove the leader of the pack.
With the arrival of Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius, the adoption of CBDCs or digital banknotes is inevitable. Just as Pluto's arrival in Capricorn coincided with the global financial crisis, it is reasonable to expect that the ingresses of both Saturn and Pluto in March will bring
sweeping changes to the global financial world.
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have been well received. They are stand-alone (i.e. not part of a course offering certification). Those who have attended tell me that they are learning and applying techniques. You can register for the next class below:
NEXT CLASS: Sunday 22nd January at 15.00 GMT
Content includes:. Overview 2023, Gold, Mars-Vesta cycle, US dollar forecast, Oil and Cryptos:
There are now over 2000 crypto currencies in existence - and more to come in 2023. Those formed after Jupiter reaches 15 Taurus in 2024 should gain considerable strength.