Dear Fellow Star-Gazers
Happy Full Super-Moon!
Zero degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (the equinoctial and solstice points) form the World Axis and when a planet aligns with one of these, events make global headlines. (e.g. Pluto’s crossing of 0 Capricorn and the Global Financial Crisis)
With dwarf planets Chaos (no keyword necessary!) and Ixion (rebelliousness) crossing degrees of this axis in the coming weeks– and coming not so long after Haumea (awe and turmoil) made right angle to Pluto (deep-rooted upheaval) we must conclude high probability of disruption, discontinuity and war.
Jupiter, Chaos and Ixion come together heliocentrically on the World Axis in late August. This, like another imminent configuration, has not happened before in our lifetimes. Indeed, only earlier civilisations would have lived through this alignment. Hopefully we are not active observers in the collapse of the present civilisation.
If you are reading this, then you are likely willing to accept correlation between planetary positions and human behaviour. My role is to alert you to the unusual and to give you a ‘heads up’ about pending opportunities or difficulties.
Mars joined Uranus and the lunar Node in Taurus on July 5th and since then we have witnessed political upheaval in Westminster, the assignation of Japan’s Ex President Shinzo Abe, the storming of the presidential palace in Sri Lanka, continuing war in Ukraine and legal turmoil in the USA. The list goes on….. and there is more to come. The geocentric
conjunction takes place until August 1st. i.e. there is more drama to come...........
If we consider the sign involved (Taurus sign of the Bull) we might wonder if a stock market bull will run rampant or explode following political interference and/or if there will be a quick but attention-grabbing political storm linked to an explosion or military action. Key period is July 27th – August 1st. There are implications too for
crypto currencies where the short term outlook is poor and the loner one far better. I now have the first draft of the subscription crypto-letter. Email if you'd like a preview.
As the Moon crossed the World Axis at 0 declination earlier this month, Sydney, Australia torrential rains drove thousands from their homes. Meanwhile Europe – including the Arctic Circle – is in the grip of heatwave whilst wildfires threaten California.
Space weather has been unusual too: each of the known planets is showing altered ‘behaviour’. Our Sun too has been busy: in the last month a larger than usual sunspot appeared on its surface.
It may be that where our solar system is travelling through space – and an alignment with a Black Hole - is having major effect. The breathtakingly beautiful pictures of space released by NASA yesterday serve to show how little we know!
Obviously, much is out-with our control but must surely be within our control to maximise resources. How appalling that the war in Europe is adding to world hunger and that political decisions have led to lack of labour to harvest crops that are left to rot.
Today’s Super Moon could also cause seas to rise and for hurricane conditions to build in the Atlantic.
If we accept that these various alignments have the potential to give us strength to alter our behaviour, then perhaps we can navigate these storms. First place would be to see where the Mars-Uranus-Node alignment occurs in your chart: this should give clues as to the scenarios in which you could most easily access inner strength (perhaps even find your inner
entrepreneur) and show resilience.
This Friday (15th) I am presenting a webinar on South East Asia Property (is being translated). Another version, covering other major cities will be recorded next weekend and available from July 22nd. Decoding the intricacies of various cycles has been fascinating. Analysis of interest rates here in the UK, show recent rises to have
been ‘on astro-cue’. If this theme continues, then I expect major global increases in July 2023 and a larger one in February 2024 before a series of rises in 2025 (ahead of the next expected recession in 2027 when property prices will surely fall).
Inflation and cost-of-living of course go hand-in-hand, and whilst the evidence is already there, rampant inflation and increased prices are more likely from 2026 when both Jupiter and Neptune move through Fire signs. The present might best be viewed as short rehearsal for tougher times in the latter part of the decade.
I cannot stress strongly enough my anxiety about the Full Moon on September 10th. Though there may see a short-term rally into the end of July, I do not expect this to last. Indeed, events in September promise an echo of the global financial crash with clues visible throughout August.
This July, I anticipate a volatile Monday 18th- Wednesday 21st July when there should be decided shift in sector emphasis with considerable increase in stock value of those providing military equipment and security.
You can find my forecast for the second half of 2022 on
In recent weeks I have been advising a client successfully trading moment by moment. It has been a pleasure getting back to these charts. It is likely no coincidence given the pressure that equities may be under in September, that my signals suggest strong moves in the price of gold in late August (more in the next newsletter)
The Euro too has held my attention. As Saturn transits its south node, its value against the US dollar has fallen to a low. It hit parity with the US dollar for the first time since December 2002. It should recover strength in 2023.
As many of you know, I have been unable to offer training in financial courses during my husband’s prolonged illness. I could not commit to a regular schedule. Now that we have superb live-in care, I will be offering a series of classes to start in September. In the interim, I will offer 2 hour Introductory class on the next Full Moon on Friday August
12th. Please email if you are interested in attending or purchasing the recording, pdf and transcript.
Sadly, I have withdrawn from the ISAR conference in Denver (just too far and too many obstacles to overcome – not least a threatened airstrike) but the presentations are prepared and hopefully they can still be used.
The upside as that I will be in London to meet clients here on holiday – a rare and special treat.
Following a disastrous April and having negotiated an almost-as-difficult situation in May, we will hopefully celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary on Thursday!!!! We made the decision to stop all medication barring absolute essentials and - I am delighted to report - Michael is able to feed himself again. His sight comes and goes, and he has little
mobility, but we have enjoyed visits from some of his ex-colleagues as well as attending a grandson’s sports day (he won a race!). I cannot thank you enough for your unwavering support and healing wishes.
Never be in doubt – they work! Please keep them coming.
For now,
Wishing you all safe and well