Happy Full Moon and Happy Lunar Eclipse!
It is ‘normal’ for the period between eclipses (April 30th to May 26th) to be particularly eventful. However, this period coincided with Mercury turning retrograde (May 10th) and Jupiter’s arrival at the World Axis (May 11th). Drama has ensued and my client line has been super-busy.
Even the Sun got in on the act: on May 10th, the Sun trembled and produced the first sunquake of the present cycle. And then there is this amazing headline: ‘Black Hole Image Reveals Beast in Center of Milky Way’
We are living in a new and breathtakingly exciting age - even as we experience mental earthquakes as we take it all in.
Equities and crypto currencies have experienced ‘quakes’ of their own, whilst at another level entirely, Prince Charles stood in for the Queen at the State Opening of Parliament, making us aware that the present Elizabethan age is coming to an end.
A seismic shift at every level is taking place.
Natural threat via solar activity or earth upheaval - over which humankind has no control is one thing: the threat of disruption to food supplies as a direct result of the war in Ukraine is another.
As stated in a previous letter it seems likely that this war will be long drawn out: at least 7 years with the threat of nuclear, chemical or biological warfare yet becoming reality. I have particular concern for the immediate period May 18 – 25th and again in late October 2022.
Perhaps the situation would be eased by a change in leadership in Russia whose government in recent times has experienced dramatic upheaval at key phases in the Saturn-Neptune cycle. Those planets reach the last semisquare of the present cycle on May 17th. This date could mark the ‘beginning of the end’ for this regime. Please note though that
this aspect continues into 2023 suggesting progress will be slow.
Meanwhile, in Ukraine, crops should be planted, harvested and distributed: tasks that will not be accomplished as in previous years. Food prices will inevitably rise and are unlikely to do anything other than continue to rise until this horrible war is over.
As the cost of living rises, so too will the pressure on governments to ‘do something’ increase. It is said that nothing so weakens a government as inflation. In 2026, Saturn and Neptune – a planetary combination associated with socialism – align on the World Axis. With Neptune then moving through one of the Fire signs – and joined by Jupiter moving
through another (Leo) from mid 2026-7, it may not be possible for any government to contain rising inflation. We should expect governments to inevitably be over-thrown and be replaced by parties yet unformed. As of this recent solar eclipse, we should see new policies discussed and, by early 2023, political discontinuity before the formation of a political wave which, unlike that of the Arab Spring, holds steadfast.
These are long-term views, but this missive should focus on the short term:
With Jupiter moving through Aries, sectors most associated with the sign are poised to experience growth. Aries is associated with military equipment but those averse to investing in this area, could consider the sports sector or surgical tools - also linked with Aries.
For perhaps even greater growth, look to the sign that Jupiter transits next: Taurus (May 2023). Taurean sectors include food ( especially confectionery), leather and the emerging crypto or alternative currency sector. It may be possible to buy into these sectors relatively cheaply now and take profit as Jupiter moves into Gemini in May
Yes, many prices have fallen in recent days and may fall further at today’s lunar eclipse, however, look for a quick bounce back even before the Sun reaches Gemini on May 21st. Momentum may be lose in early June but recover before the next Full Moon on June 14th.
I do have concern for equities in Q4 2022 and have prepared a recording focused on South East Asia markets (includes S.Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mumbai). You can order this through the link below.
LUNA/TERRA crashed spectacularly ahead of this lunar eclipse and as Pluto opposed its natal Venus position. Analysis of the chart for its launch indicated its vulnerability. Bitcoin’s price fell too, but offered buying opportunity. My greater interest is still in Ethereum. The astrology suggests that its price could yet soar and soar.
The astrology has always suggested tightening of monetary policy and the establishment of regulations in a field that many still see as 'wild west currencies'. Yet planetary cycles suggest that developments in block chain are unstoppable and will bring social benefits. There will, of course, be panic moments but these surely represent buying opportunity.
Fact is that decentralised finance (DeFi) and Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are rapidly gaining ground. I plan to monitor their development and present forecasts in a bi-monthly crypto newsletter that I hope to launch at the next Full Moon.
Yesterday I gave a talk on working in astro-finance to the Organisation of Professional Astrologers. Some attendees expressed interest in learning more. With medical issues still regulating my schedule, I am unable to offer a full course but could offer a 3 hour webinar if there is sufficient interest. Please let me know if this plan interests in you and
what you would like to see covered. Email office@cityscopes.com
Launch of the astro-crypto newsletter is, as always, dependent on Michael’s continuing battle to stay alive. You may remember that he was knocking at death’s door at the last Full Moon. He knocked and ran away!
A palliative care team became involved, as he is still unwell. However – and as his ruling planet, Jupiter arrived at 0 Aries last Wednesday, an endocrinologist came up with a suggestion that might yet provide answers and perhaps offer effective treatment. I am holding my breath as Mercury turned retrograde that day and we were between eclipses. Hopefully
this is a breakthrough. (I hope too that the next tests will take place after Mercury turns direct!).
For now, wishing you all good health and wealth and reminding you again that the South East Asia recording (which will be mailed during UK office hours) is available via the link below.
Yours from the stars