Dear Fellow StarGazers,
Can you hear the 1812 overture? That piece of music celebrated the successful defence of Russia by Napoleon’s army. In 1812, Venus and Mars aligned at degrees held by Saturn and Uranus in 2021 and, with Uranus opposing the Mars of President Putin's chart, it could be said that he is responding to that clarion call.
The astrocartography for today’s Full Moon has Mercury (communications) exact on the Midheaven on the longitude of St Petersburg and Kyev whilst Ceres is on the Ascendant axis: the country borders of this area of the world are indeed headline news.
But back to Venus and Mars:
For the next 30 days – an unusually short time for this phenomenon, Venus and Mars appear almost as one. Their second conjunction takes place at 0 Aquarius on March 6th (highlighting again the business cycle degree marked by Jupiter and Saturn in December 2020). The days leading into this – and especially around the New Moon on March 2nd
could witness significant and negative reaction in all markets – not necessarily driven by war but perhaps also by weather patterns that cause immense damage. I think a low around March 6th is more likely than not.
In Indian culture double conjunctions of Venus and Mars are viewed as signals of war and we can agree that there is ‘war-mongering’ in the air – though in the short term I suspect that Venus (peace in this instance) will win out – at least for now. The end of 2022 looks rather different.
My view on the Future of Europe can be found on Youtube at:
Yet Venus and Mars are just two of the planets in our solar system and other cycles must be taken into account. I am hopeful that diplomacy will indeed win, though agree that a repetition of the Crimean war is still a distinct possibility: Uranus and the Lunar Node in Taurus conjoin in late July – just as they were during that earlier conflict in
The Lunar Node lies half way between today’s Full Moon axis: again suggesting a pivotal moment. It’s worth pointing out that today’s alignments are in keeping with a bucket shape with the Moon forming the handle to the bucket. This handle will likely buckle as the Moon moves into neighbouring Virgo and then returns inside the ‘bowl’ next week. We should all bear
in mind that the Moon is fickle, ever-changing and that like the tides, there is a constant state of flux. We might even think of this as a game of cat and mouse. (We move to splash shape just as Uranus and the Node align at the end of July – a time when we can perhaps all climb out of the bowl!)
However Haumea’s full entry into Scorpio later this year may well mark the start of war. Haumea has been described as a ‘terrible gift’ with awesome power. I fear that this, together with Saturn’s station in October is the more likely time for intense dispute (war) -though of course want to be so very, very wrong.
If we look to the positive presently, Uranus and Pluto are bi-septile (two sevenths) of a cycle from one another. Research shows this phase of this pair to coincide with development in global energy manufacture and use.
How exciting that just a few days ago, at a lab in Oxford in the UK, the ‘Sun’ or fusion was created. That 5 second burst of energy holds so much promise for further experiments planned for later this year. These two planets will be in trine to another for the second half of this decade and will likely coincide with new energy sources and – obviously – a
distinct alteration in world governments which have so far been driven by trading in oil.
We must remember that Pluto is coming to the end of its time in Capricorn and that we are now seeing almost the last of the conjunctions with Mercury, Venus and Mars in that sign. Capricorn is all about structure and order. Rather than put so much energy into preserving what has been the status quo, politicians would be well advised to look ahead to Pluto’s
Aquarius ingress and the shift in power to the people (aided of course by block chain technology).
As forecast last month, early Feb did indeed mark one turning point. If the past repeats, then the early part of March should witness a low and another buying opportunity. I am looking especially at tech and media stocks as well as cryptos. My focus now is on markets in the Far East and a few stocks listed on these. (See below for details of that
It should, of course, have come as no surprise given Neptune’s position relative to our charts, that my husband’s working diagnosis of MSA-P proved incorrect. The new one is ‘parkinsonism with lewy bodies’ though that too has yet to be confirmed. Endocrinology sleuths are on the case. Meanwhile another infection took hold, and I came close to the end of my
tether. The cosmos is sending in a rescue team and respite care is to be arranged.
Had Michael been well enough, we would have celebrated 2 years since the tear to his aorta which – thanks to the many, many good wishes, self-healed. In keeping with his Sagittarius imprint, he is optimistic about the future and I am sure that I will be too - after I’ve had some rest (we each have Jupiter returns coming up).
For now,
Wishing you all safe, well and contented
Yours from the stars