Dear Fellow StarGazers,
Happy Full Moon
We are just days away from the Equinox – and arguably the most important chart (horoscope) of the year. This chart is thought to offer a guide to the coming year and rarely disappoints.
Before looking at this chart, consider this: for the last two years (throughout the pandemic), and for the greater part of every month, the traditional planets have been contained within an arc of 180 degrees bounded by the Lunar Nodes (fated points). Study shows this planetary picture to be rare (just 3 % of known history). That it has coincided with times of
war and pandemic is more than a little interesting. Perhaps we should then look forward to brighter times ahead when the pattern breaks after April 22nd.
But can we really do that?
Only history will determine if Russia’s 5am local time entry into Ukraine on 24 February 2022 was the start of World War III. We have to hope not, but the chart for that moment suggests a 7 year struggle ahead. President Zelensky’s chart is – unsurprisingly – that of an inspiring, extraordinary individual. Progressing his chart suggests he has yet to reach his
peak: most likely in around 3-4 years’ time – culminating and coinciding with the Saturn-Neptune cycle theme that resonates with times of political upheaval in Russia.
I expect that we will hear more of political instability in Russia as Saturn and Neptune form semi-sextile aspect at the end of May (2022) when mass grief will likely overwhelm and that this will be just one step on the journey to political change in 2026.
Set for London, the Lunar Node is exact on the Midheaven where it draws attention to the Royal Family. For the Queen especially, this is likely a moment of destiny (the Lunar Node – and lunar eclipse - aligns with her Midheaven and Saturn). The Sun and Uranus align on May 5th, the astrocartography (ACG) focusing on London. The events may not be
connected but a shock announcement seems likely.
In the Equinox chart, the Sun lies on the Descendant in Moscow and Neptune on the Descendant in Kyev indicating a likely long struggle between the two nations. Worryingly, Mars is within conjunction of Saturn: the aspect becoming exact on April 5th with the two at right angle to the lunar node. The ACG for this alignment highlights Washington, Moscow
and Kyev. This could prove a hellish day – as if matters weren’t horrendous enough already.
Throughout this first quarter of the natural year, the Lunar Node advances toward Uranus’ position in Taurus (I pointed out in the last missive that this coincided with the Crimean War from the 19th century). History repeats).
Also during this quarter, there is a Solar Eclipse (April 30th) and a Lunar Eclipse (May 16th) before first Venus (May 3rd), then Jupiter (May 11th) and finally Mars (May 25th) cross 0 Aries: the World Axis. These factors suggest a volatile period ahead.
The geodetic chart for the eclipse has asteroid Hygeia prominently placed for Moscow with the Sun-Moon Taurus conjunction not far away. This seems an apt Astro-signature for financial pain (the sanctions) but might also be indicative of the launch of a Russian digital currency.
Aside from the obvious volatility that accompanies war, financial markets are likely to swing wildly through the next few weeks and traders will doubtless find this super-challenging. It might ‘help’ (?) to note likely potential losses from May 12th through the lunar eclipse (May 16th).
And yes, the value of these will likely climb through the coming weeks (but arguably not as much as they will do later in the year).
Tempting as it is to think of these as ‘emperor’s clothes’, cryptos are here – and will stay – though agreed, not all will survive. Jamaica will soon launch its own retail digital currency. Expect more countries to follow. Many people will surely be resistant, but these trading systems will surely gather momentum in the coming years; gradually replacing what will
soon be ‘old-fashioned’ dollars etc. Your grandchildren will have to have that system explained to them!
You may recall that several times in the last two years I have drawn attention to the probability of governments regulating crypto trading. This is all in keeping with the Saturn-Uranus cycle which reaches another important point on March 25th. Already President Biden has signed one executive order to regulate this market. Expect another to follow –
most probably at the end of March. This should provide yet another buying opportunity for those playing for the longer term.
Today, I will deliver a webinar on South East Asian markets that is being translated into Chinese. An expanded version – also covering thoughts on the Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan and Hong Kong exchanges including the outlook for China Merchant Bank, CATL, Tesla, Taiwan SemiConductor Company and Tencent will be recorded before the end of the month. Please register
your interest by emailing with South East Asia in the message title.
Next Saturday (26th) is the Mayo School of Astrology’s Financial Astrology day with focus on forecasts for the next twelve months. I am honoured to take part alongside esteemed colleagues. You can find more details at
After another stressful month with one hospital procedure, followed by negative reaction, followed by emergency hospital admission, Michael is now home and recovering (as am I!!). Our wonderful nurse/carer recognised an issue on Monday, and was praised by our general practitioner whose prompt action saved the day. We really are surrounded by angels and so very
grateful for your many excellent ideas, good wishes and support.
Until next time,
Wishing you all safe and very well
Yours from the stars