Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,
Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse!
Pluto (power and underworld) and Eris (discord) have reached their exact square. Leaving aside the obvious political strife, and bearing in mind that so many planets are all on one side of the Sun
presently, we might yet see massive earth upheaval in the coming weeks. As we move into this special two weeks bracketed either side by eclipses, the potential for geo-movement will likely increase. New fault lines may yet appear increasing threat to life. No-one wants to be a doom-monger but these are most decidedly difficult times:-
The lunar nodes (fate?), like the planets, reach prominence for a few moments in every day. At today's eclipse, the nodal axis is exact across the mid heaven and IC, or backbone of the chart for
Minneapolis - throwing a spotlight on that part of the world. (We might also wonder if Biritnagar in Nepal will also experience difficulties. In this city the nodal axis is reversed but still accentuates the MC/IC axis).
Today's lunar eclipse could be termed an aggressive or difficult in that Mars is positioned at exact right angle to both the Sun and Moon. What an apt description of tension! With Mars, in
Pisces, acting as 'referee' between Gemini and Sagittarius, all we see is struggle - not resolution. Pisces is a wonderful sign but has a justified reputation for widespread confusion, so we should expect the waters to be muddied even further in the coming days.
George Floyd's arrest took place on May 25 some days ahead of the eclipse but was an event clearly linked to both this and the coming solar eclipse. The heliocentric chart at the moment of
arrest is revealing and hugely descriptive of the awful event. What took place at 20.22 local time on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis is set to reverberate for months if not years.
In the world of commerce, the effects of this eclipse have also already been felt. It is probable that over the next two weeks especially, the beleaguered travel industry (Gemini-Sagittarius)
will likely see the closure of many more travel-providing companies. Expect to see shares in these industries pummeled. Whereas so far it has been airlines that have been in the headlines, anticipate that it will be cruise ship owners contemplating closure.
On June 21st, and coinciding with the summer solstice (Sun at 0 Cancer), there is a solar eclipse visible in a wide arc beginning in Zaire, moving up through Ethiopia and the Sudan, across
Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, India and China and arcing down north of Hong Kong and into the seas north of the Phillipines. Whilst the effects of an eclipse affect the whole world, it is in these areas of visibility where 'eventfulness' will doubtless result in headline news. As with the lunar eclipse, events don't have to happen on the day of the cosmic drama. On Sunday 28th June, Mars reaches 0 Aries - at 90 degrees to the eclipse and likely activating it. This date could see violent clashes
with protesters in Hong Kong and multiple skirmishes in those already tense regions mentioned above. Mars in Aries speaks of initiation: rarely is satisfactory or elegant conclusion planned for. Mars is not viewed as 'God of War' for nothing and so yes, the world could be moving ever closer to war - on many fronts.
In my 'Navigating the Financial Universe' book, I suggested that if there was a pandemic in 2020 that the effects could be felt for two years and that February 2021 could be most challenging. A
second wave is a realistic possibility - though I also have hopes of a vaccine for this virus being announced in September. The difficulty is that this virus may have already mutated several times over and the next pandemic will surely have a new name. What emerges as Mars conjoins Neptune on June 13th should concern us all.
Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday, June 18th. That Friday could see markets edge higher. Indeed, they could maintain a bull run into July. Please note that I am revising an earlier forecast.
I had some disquiet about June 18th and felt we could witness a reversal that day. I am now inclined to think the opposite and that indices will make upward move - possibly through to Mercury's next station on July 12th.
Mars enters Aries on June 28th and for an extended stay (into January 2021). We have 120 years' worth of Dow Jones data that shows conclusively that whilst the index does well moving through
Pisces, its transit of Aries brings diminished returns. It may be that the next serious falls or corrections take place after Mars turns retrograde mid September. Certainly there are worrisome dates through the fourth quarter of 2020. (I plan to discuss this in a presentation now in preparation and which will be available for sale by June 21st)
The 2020 season has begun and given present planetary alignments, could be one to remember for all the 'wrong' reasons. The period between these two eclipse (June 5th and 20th) may be specially
difficult. I have particular concerns about weather damage to oil platforms mid June with resulting potential eco-catastrophe: a forecast I hope to get wrong.
You may know that the 'shaping' of a horoscope is one of the first things considered by an astrologer. Were you born with a Splash shape? A Locomotive? a Bucket, a Bundle or a Bowl? Or
something else? When the planets form similar patterns or shapes during your lifetime, we might say that the cosmos is 'playing your tune'.
In recent months, the dominating shapes have been bowl, bundle, sling, locomotive and bucket. If you 'are' a 'bowl' or 'locomotive' then - and especially in the half month when the bowl has
dominated, - perhaps you've coped well with lockdown: contained and doing your thing. Others most likely found the 'bowl' oppressive (especially when Pluto was the lead planet) and lonely.
Then there is the half-month when the Moon has replaced Pluto as the lead in the 'locomotive' shape. It is during this half of recent months when some people have struggled to find a
'new normal'.
Whilst the 'good' news is that the bowls, locomotives etc will be replaced by other shapes in August, we should be aware that there will be repetition of these shapings from late November.
And yes, further lockdown seems more likely than not.
With so many planets on one side of the Sun, it is interesting that solar behaviour is altered. Already it is being suggested that the Sun is 'waking up'. The danger here is that solar
activity could create havoc if, as a result of just one coronal mass ejection affeCting satellites, distribution networks are wiped out.
As always and for ever, our best investments are in friends and family. I am so fortunate to have all of you. Thank you for reading and staying in contact.
You will find a new article on the outlook for Bitcoin on the website at Also, in response to requests, a forecast covering the last half of 2020 will
be available from June 21st. Please send a note if you are interested - and any focus you would like to see included.
Hoping that wherever you are, you are safe, well and content
Yours from the stars
Author:Financial Universe (2004 and 2009)
Exploring the Financial Universe (2016)
Beginner's Guide to the Financial Universe (2017)
Navigating the Financial Universe (2019)