Dear Fellow Star Gazers,
Happy Beaver or Full Frost Full Moon.
You may remember that in last month's letter I suggested that we might all be in for a bumpy ride and that we could experience a storm of some severity before 12th. Typhoon Haiyan formed on cosmic cue as the Moon reached perigee, maximum declination and crossed into Cardinal Capricorn with Jupiter stationing.
Such has been the necessary focus of attention on the aftermath of this appalling catastrophe that another natural phenomenon has gone past apparently unnoticed - though this could be every bit as devastating for mankind:
This last week, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto have been at right angles to one another as viewed heliocentrically. Such an alignment is rare and one can't help but wonder what, if any impact this has had on the Sun. The present Solar Cycle, Number 24, is very different to those of the 20th Century. Indeed, there are some specialists who feel it is necessary to go back to the late18th Century to find a comparable period.
No-one seems to know why the present solar cycle is so at odds with earlier cycles but it may be that that the exact position of the entire solar system in relation to the centre of our galaxy is a major factor. Whilst we know that the planets revolve around the Sun, it is very likely that their formation around our special star also affects its behaviour. I wonder what the legacy of this recent alignment will be?
At this point in the solar cycle, the magnetic poles on the Sun ought to be reversing, yet they are curiously out of synch. Their unusual rhythm suggests all may not be well with our Sun.
Whatever the cause, we may be sure that terrestrial weather systems are not going to return to 'normal' any time soon and that mankind will need to get used to dealing with natural disaster and having in place the relief supplies needed to cope with these.
There is an excellent article on the Sun and it's present situation to be found at
My client workbook for the last few weeks has been curious too:
In my last letter I mentioned the emphasis on the sign of Scorpio (the recent solar eclipse) and the retrograde motion of Mercury in that sign. I can't remember a time when so many clients have brought issues and requests that necessitated so much research (a very Scorpio word!).
Having been retrograde for some weeks, Mercury is now returning to degrees it first crossed in early October. So far I am working well to a time-line of concluding research before the next New Moon on December 3rd. Those of you embarked on similar exercises may find this date is a suitable time-line for you too.
Clients have been full of ideas - many of which even they feel are 'bees in their bonnets'. What's so interesting is their confidence that these can be backed by private money and that they will have no need to ask for assistance from the banks. It really does seem that we are all now in the midst of a new commercial era. Ahead of the final Uranus-Pluto square in 2015, I fully expect these enterprises to be responsible for a surge in commercial activity that's entirely in keeping with the recognised business-nodal cycle.
Those of you similarly tuning into this frequency should find the following dates 'ideas-full': November 23rd/24th, 29th and 30th, December 2nd and December 9th and 10th. Not only are markets likely to be super-reactive on these dates but those 'thinking differently' should find these dates exciting. Of course, if your birthday falls on any of these dates, then anticipate that the whole of the coming year will find you thinking 'out of the box' and, possibly moving into a faster commercial lane.
This week a major task, for me, has been an economic forecast for 2015. In the latter part of that year Jupiter moves into Virgo - a sign associated with data management, service industries and products. Ahead of this I've been looking at shares in these companies which I feel will rise that autumn. The Mars- Jupiter 'strategy' cycle suits my investing chart and I like the idea of buying in now and, hopefully, reaping rewards approximately two years down the line.
I am writing this during our last day in Cyprus where I've had ample opportunity to observe the effect of the crisis that took place back in March. Life, of course, goes on, but jobs are hard to get and the local stock market is down 98% from its 2007 high. Yet the contrarian in me sees so much potential and I fully expect local equities to rise in a far shorter period than some might suppose. Conversations with local shopkeepers convinces me that the spirit of entrepreneurship is very much alive and well!
Yet I still have fears about the Euro and Eurozone and suspect another hiatus before the end of the year. Whilst news from Ireland is promising, other areas (France especially) could experience difficulty.
I am returning to the UK to a full diary but delighted these few days away have afforded the opportunity to put the final touches to the astro-finance course. There are enough enquiries to be sure that this will go ahead as planned in January. Full details of the course are available on the website
It has been confirmed that all those on the course will be given a trial copy of Market Analyst software for the duration of the course. If you are interested, just send an email. Later this week I will be in touch with those of you who have already expressed interest.
For now, wishing you as always, good health and happy investing,
Yours from the stars