Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,
Happy Full Moon!
So, with imperfect (?) timing we came to Cyprus for a short break: to celebrate the Equinox and to give me space to make more corrections to my astro-trading book.
In reality I've spent time looking at charts for Cyprus and for the Euro, visited the Sanctuary of Apollon and Aphrodite's Rock and experienced my first 'Coptic Storm' and learnt how the latter have been forecast over the last few thousands years. (It's all to do with declination, lunar distance and phases and is quite fascinating).
Greatest impact though has been walking through ancient ruins and wondering how other civilisations coped with collapsing economies. Presently there is, of course, anger, confusion and a real sense of loss and bitterness.
The Euro:
The proffered 'bail out' is entirely in keeping with the chart for Cyprus. Jupiter passing over the Moon and Mars in Cyprus' chart has brought understandable relief that banks will soon reopen though there are real worries as to the legal terms of the actions required by the IMF and ECB.
Even after Jupiter's transit though, Cyprus is not out of the cosmic woods and neither is the Euro. Both charts are under severe pressure in line with the apparent right-angle between Uranus and Pluto that stays in operation until April 2015.
Amplifying this aspect are the cosmic rhythms brought into play by Mars. If events over the last year are anything to go by, then this recent Cyprus crisis will surely be followed by others in other parts of the Eurozone.
As I understand it, the present 'deal' is not quite finalised. If this doesn't happen (and with the many cosmic forces at work over the next few days it's entirely possible that this 'deal' will copllapse), then , coinciding with the last Coptic Storm for this season, April 25th to 28th could be another very messy period for the banks in this region and for the wider banking sector.
Overall, the finance ministers of the Eurozone will surely find their competence tested around the April lunar eclipse, then again between 20th and 26th May, in the last days of July, again in the first week of October, and in early and mid November. There is a very bumpy rode ahead still. It is even possible - and likely - that we will see a revised Eurozone defined on the last day of 2013.
Markets, gold and silver
Between this March Full Moon (a Coptic Storm date!) and the next Full Moon - which is also a lunar eclipse - there is a build up of planets in Cardinal signs. Where this has happened in the past markets have slumped. The process may have started and could gain momentum on Tuesday April 2nd, Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th.
Then there is Solar flux to consider - a measurement of solar energy - due to reach high levels in April. This excess energy has, in the past, coincided with war on Earth. The period April 7th to 10th looks particularly troublesome.
It would not be surprising if the price of precious metals were to move higher - particularly from the lunar eclipse on April 25th.
All in all, this promises to be an eventful few weeks. Those who are prone to action - and that's mainly those born under the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn could make key decisions in these next four weeks: especially those with birthdays end of March-beginning of April, end June to early July, end September to beginning of October and end December to early January. What's happening in the lives of these people will surely be deeply concerning to those more used to adopting a 'wait and see' approach and who may feel that taking action now is precipitous. As the saying goes ' the stars incline, the do not compel'.
Pisces, dreams and Hollywood
Last month I wrote about the large group of planets in Pisces that seemed to be fuelling a surge in creativity. I spent one whole week with nothing but Pisces and Virgo (Pisces' opposite sign) clients. Some of the ideas presented were truly imaginative and have already brought reward. Those most affected are enjoying the presence of Neptune in Pisces moving over key areas of their charts. It is perhaps not so surprising to astrologers that those who have enjoyed great wealth have benefited from Neptune's influence..
You may remember that Neptune entered Pisces just a year ago. Is it just coincidence that there is a trend in Hollywood to make movies of old, traditional fairy-tales. This trend seems to be making box-office success!
As always it's down to turning dreams into reality - and that requires organisation and focus on the practicalities - perhaps more easily done after both the Sun and Mars move into Taurus on April 20th.
Forward planning
I hope to see some of you at a talk for the Lodge in London (June 2nd) and the NCGR conference in Philadelphia in August.
You can find details of the two events at and
Until next time,
Yours from the stars